Indonesia increasingly Attract Investors

In the midst of the global economic slowdown, Indonesia still be an exciting investment destination. The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) recorded an investment commitment or consent principle in Indonesia to grow 119% by January 2016 when compared with the same period in lalu. It meants, there is a surge in the value of investment of IDR 94 trillion to IDR 206 trillion. It was announced by Head of BKPM Franky Sibarani told reporters in Jakarta.
“The increase can not be separated from political stability and security. Commitment investors strongly influenced by the good business climate”. Further Franky said, of the investment commitment, the percentage of domestic investment rose 261% with a share of 19%. Foreign capital investment also grew 101% with a share of 81% of the total license in principle
Business sectors which attractive to investors are  power generation, real estate, mining, waste management, and electronic industries. Deputy BKPM Control Azhar Lubis added decline in investment commitments occurs only in the maritime sector and shipping industry by 43% to IDR 49 billion, as well as labor-intensive industries, textiles, and footwear were down 18% to IDR 4 trillion.
British Chamber of Commerce Chairman Adrian Short admits the high passion of foreign investors to Indonesia. Nielsen survey on business confidence in the country showed that of 170 businessmen European Union 50% of them as an investment destination Indonesia positive in 2015 and predictions of 2016. “About 71% of employers in targeting the infrastructure of the sector, tourism 60%, food 54% , retail 52%, and fisheries 43%. “
The increasing investment commitments, as view of BCA Bank economist David Sumual, prove that the package of infrastructure policy is awaited by foreign investors. “It must be guarded. If the investment interest is realized, it will create new jobs. “
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