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Pameran “Beli Indonesia” akan dilaksanakan pada 3-5 Oktober 2016

Untuk meningkatkan gairah penjualan produk dalam negeri,  pada tanggal 3-5 Oktober 2016 akan diselenggarakan Pameran…

By bintangbisnis

10 Business Sectors Where Indonesian Employers Need Foreign Investor

There are quite a lot of business opportunities in Indonesia that can be done by…

By bintangbisnis

Indonesia increasingly Attract Investors

In the midst of the global economic slowdown, Indonesia still be an exciting investment destination.…

By bintangbisnis

Indonesia Need Foreign Investors

As the funding of infrastructure projects can not be financed entirely by the State Budget…

By bintangbisnis

Karawang City Will Become Japan Investment Base

Japanese investors committed to expand investment in Indonesia. However, there is a requirement that they…

By bintangbisnis

Who is Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, owner of Leicester City?

Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, owner of Leicester City Football Club, is the fourth richest man in Thailand.…

By bintangbisnis

Research Report on 235 Group of Companies in Indonesian Palm Oil Plantation

Just info, we have just completed research on palm oil plantations in Indonesia. We reports…

By bintangbisnis

Bank Mandiri Tetap Jaga Kontrol di Bank Sinar

JAKARTA- PT Bank Mandiri, PT Pos Indonesia dan PT Taspen sepakat mendirikan perusahaan bank patungan…

By bintangbisnis

Cari konsesi tambang untuk ditake over atau JO

Dicari segera. Perusahaan tambang batubara untuk ditake over atau JO. syaratnya, minimal mineable resources dua…

By bintangbisnis

Trikomsel-Lenovo Luncurkan Smartphone Mid Market

PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. (Trikomsel), distributor telepon seluler dan gadget, semakin agresif membidik segmen kelas…

By bintangbisnis